Mr J : Sir, do you still remember about cis-trans isomerism in complex compound ?

Mr G : Hm....blank for a while hhh.. i'm forget sir J. Then i fall in sleep.

Mr J : yah....

a couple minutes later....

Mr J : Sir, do you wanna see this ? ( he shows me the paper about isomerism in octahedral ). How do you think,which one is cis ?which one is trans?

Mr G : Hoah...(yawning)... Hm, i think this is trans- sir...

Mr J : But, take a look this one, this is cis in my opinion, because of my view it has same ligands.

Mr G : Ok, Lets discuss it ( I am fresh now )hhhh

I have a good reference :

a. MA5B

b. MA4B2

c. MA3B3

So the ligands those are 180 degrees to each other are said to be trans, while ligands those 
are 90 degrees to each other are to be cis. 

Isomerism,,yup this one that i need to recall back, because i'm in my comfort zone,then some memory about chemistry slowly but sure dismiss from my head.

Greenhouse and Greenhouse effect

Miss L : sir,apa c sebenernya greenhouse itu? Trus apa bedanya dengan greenhouse effect??

Mr.G : begini,awal mulanya greenhouse atau rumah kaca diperuntukkan atau dbuat di perkebunan di atas bukit,fungsinya untuk menanam beberapa tanaman yang biasa ditanam di daerah panas namun coba tuk ditanam di daerah dingin. Di dalam rumah kaca,suhu ruangan mampu dipertahankan sehingga kondisi optimum pertumbuhan mampu dicapai.

Lalu greenhouse effect atau efek rumah kaca adalah suatu istilah yang dipakai sebagai kekerabatan dari pemanasan global. Sinar matahari diberikan Allah SWT sangat melimpah,memberikan banyak kebaikam bagi kehidupan di bumi. Sinar matahari masuk ke bumi sebagai sinar ultraviolet.Sesampainya di bumi,sebagaimana sifat gelombang,maka sinar matahari ada sebagian yang diserap ke dalam bumi,sebagian di biasakan dan sebagian lagi dipantulkan kembali ke angkasa.Ketika dipantulkan kembali,energi dari sinar ini mwnjadi lebih besar karena berupa sinar infra merah.
Nah,seiring seiring revolusi industri banyak sekali dampak negatif bagi lingkungan,salah satunya adalah emisi karbon dioksid,nitrogen oksida dan juga CFC ( chlorofluoro carbon) alias freon. Beberapa zat tersebut berada di atmosfer bumi.Layaknya sebuah kubah gas raksasa,gas gas ini menahan terpantulnya kembali sinar IR ke angkasa,sehingga sinar IR bertumbukan dengan partikel gas gas tersebut sehingga ada sebagian sinar IR tersebut kembali ke bumi. Hal inilah yang dianalogikan dengan kondisi di dalam rumah kaca.
Gas gas inilah yang kita sebut dengan gas rumah kaca.
Pada akhirnya suhu di permukaan bumi terus meningkat,ini lah yang kita kenal sekarang dengan global warming atau pemanasan global.

Mr.A : sorry sir,tapi bagaimana jaman dahulu kala,dulu kan belum ada tuh industri,tapi tetap aja terjadi perubahan muka bumi,karena saya pernah dengar kalau bumi ini memang sedang dalam prosesnya,layaknya pohon yang sedang menggugurkan daunnya yang suatu saat nanti pasti akan tumbuh lagi.Bumipun pada dasarnya sudah panas,ada saatnya bumi menghancurkan dirinya sendiri lalu suatu saat nanti juga bumi akan kembali seperti masih baru lagi.

Mr.G : ok,begini..pemanasan global yang saya jelaskan tadi akibat efek rumah kaca dipicu oleh oertumbuhan industri yang menghasilkan side product yang tidak ramah lingkungan dalam bentuk gas. Kalaupun tidak ada efek rumah kaca bumi dapat mengalami pemanasan dengan sendirinya dikarenakan adanya cairan inti bumi yang memiliki titik didih sangat tinggi.
Cairan inti bumi akan keluar jika memang itu diperlukan untuk menjaga keseimbangan bumi itu sendiri,namun sekali lagi keberadaan manusia yang mengexplorasi semua aspek yang ada di bumi seperti minyak bumi dll,menghasilkan efek yang tidak mampu kita tanggulangi.
Ya,,bayanngkan minyak bumi yang dalam perut bumi berfungsi sebagai pelumas lempeng lempeng bumi disedot trus,akibatnya lempeng menjadi rigid dan mudah terjadi gempa bumi (tectonic activity), lalu muncul celah celah baru menuju ke permukaan bumi sehingga memudahkan terjadinuya heat trasfer di dalam bumi.

So,sebenarnya ini sekedar berbagi akan ilmu yang saya tau,dan apabila ada kesalahan mohon dikoreksi..

Simple circuit in the house

Here few pictures from my creative students when they were made the project...

Liquid and Foam Soap

Student : sir,what is the differences between liquid soap and foam??

Teacher : Both of them are made up by same processes,only the ingredients a litle bit different in quantity.
Yup,the foam soap needs foam booster to make it produces more foam.Commonly the compound was added as the foam booster is cocoaminido propyl betaine.

Student : where is the water?? The water disappear in foam soap if we compared with liquid soap.

Teacher : soap has two poles,oil likely and water likely...
Because of oil likely pole,soap is able to trap the oil or organic compound on our skin.
And by the water likely pole,the result of saponification is solved to the water as the medium.
If we add the foam booster,so the water is bonded in the different form,but still acts as the medium of the soap.

Liquid and foam soap are made up by these main materials :
    Texapon or Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) is a surfactant,gel form.

2. Sodium sulphate
    Powder form,as an emulsifier and to speed up the lifting process of the waste on our skin.

Student : ok sir thank you very much.
Teacher : you are welcome


Student : sir,why does nitrogen has negative charge in NH3,but positive charge in NO2???

Teacher : very simple actually.Based on the Pauling scale of electronegativity nitrogen N = 3.04, means nitrogen was put on the periodic table around the electropositive like and electronegative like.
If N was bounded to the more likely electropositive element,it has negative oxidation number,vice versa.
The oxidation numbers of nitrogen are -3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3,+4 and +5.
If we compare between nitrogen in NH3 and NO2...
The electronegativity of O= 3.44 is more electronegative than N and H=2.20 is more electropositive than N.
The oxidation number of N in NH3 is -3.

Based in the electron configuration of N : 1s2 2s2 2p3,so...
If the nitrogen was bounded to electropositive element,the element is able to share the electron to the empty orbital (in this case orbital p) and makes the nitrogen's oxidation number negative.Hidrogen shares 3 electrons and fulfills the empty orbital p of nitrogen so the nitrogen's oxidation number would be -3.

While in NO2 is +4,nitrogen shares 4 electrons valence to oxygen,so the oxidation number of nitrogen is +4. 

I hope it answers your question..

Student : Aibon is a glue can be used as an addictive or cheap drug for junkie...actually what is the real substance of aibon?
Image result for Aibon

Teacher : One of the compound of Aibon is lysergic acid diethyilamide  ( LSD ). 
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is an illegal drug whose primary effect is to alter the senses and cause hallucinations. 
LSD is a semi-synthetic drug, meaning it combines both natural occurring and man-made substances. It is derived from ergot, a fungus that grows on certain grains, and a non-organic chemical called diethylamide.
LSD over stimulates serotonin in the cortex and deep structures of the brain, causing alterations in sensory perception, mood and thought patterns.
These alterations appear as hallucinations, or sensations that seem real but are created by the mind.
Often referred to as "figments of the imagination," these perceptions can involve all or only one of the five senses. LSD primarily causes visual hallucinations such as distorted colors and shapes. It can also cause blending of the senses known as synesthesia, which is hearing colors or seeing sounds. Using LSD is called "tripping" and users can get a good (heaven) or bad (hell) trip.
LSD is colorless and odorless, and a miniscule amount equivalent to two grains of salt is the entire dose needed to experience the drug's effects. LSD is taken orally through capsule, pill, sugar cubes, chewing gum, and liquid drops transferred to colorful blotter paper. Recreational dosage averages between 25 to 80 mcg.
LSD activates serotonin receptors in the brain; these receptors help visualize and interpret the real world. LSD literally causes an explosion of serotonin, allowing more stimuli to be taken in as opposed to the brain's normal practice of filtering it out. This stimuli overload produces the profound changes in thought, attention, perceptions and emotions.
The onset of hallucinations occurs within 60 minutes and can last from 6-12 hours. The perceptual changes that frequently occur with taking LSD include visual, touch, emotions and thinking.