An electroscope is an early scientific instrument that is used to detect the presence and magnitude of electric charge on a body.
Here the DIY electroscope created by my beloved students from grade 9.
How does an electroscope work ?
The answer is : The suspended strips and the metal rod are able to conduct electricity. The metal rod passes through the jar with a stopper that is not capable of conducting electricity. When a charged object is brought near the metal rod, both strips repel each other and resemble an inverted V. The strips repel each other because they have acquired a like charge. When the strips have a like charge and separate, the electroscope becomes charged. If an object with the opposing charge is brought near the metal rod, the strips of gold leaf will hang straight down. The strips no longer repel each other because the charge has been neutralized. After neutralization, the electroscope becomes discharged. Electroscopes are commonly used in laboratories and industries for experiments and measuring electric currents. Electroscopes can also be used to detect various types of radiation from radioactive material. The electroscope, the first electrical measuring instrument, was invented by British physician William Gilbert. The pith-ball and the gold-leaf electroscopes are the most commonly used simple electroscopes.

Karena Aku masih Cinta

aku berdoa untukmu dari hatiku
dari hati yang pernah kau sentuh
dan selalu ingin menyentuhmu
semoga abadi bahagiamu
semoga tangan yang ingin kau genggam menyambutmu
semoga aroma yang kau rindukan dapat kau hirup
dan semoga hati yang ingin kau peluk mencintaimu selamanya

Doa Menuntut Ilmu
رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِيْ وَيَسِّرلِي أَمْرِي وَ احْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّنْ لِّساَنِي يَفْقَهُوْا قَوْلِي
Robbisyrohli sodri wayassirli amri wahlul uqdatam millisani yafqohu qauli (Ya Allah lapangkanlah dadaku, mudahkanlah urusanku dan jelaskanlah lisanku agar orang-orang memahami perkataanku)
رَِبِّيْ زِدْنِي عِلْماً وَارْزُقْنِي فَهْمًا
Robbi zidni ‘ilma warzuqni fahma (Ya Allah tambahilah ilmuku dan dan pertinggikanlah kecerdasanku)

Fisika kelas x sma narada

Ya...setelah vakum sangat lama..ada gairah lagi tuk iseng tulis tulis di blog yg ga jelas ini..mudah2n semakin niat tuk lebih rajin baca dan tulis di jaman yg serba instant ini.. Ok...ini lah update_an dari saya...beberapa link tentang materi pelajaran fisika yang merupakan maha karya dari anak anakku tercinta kelas x sma narada,yang sekaligus sebagai bahan portofolio mereka.linknya ada di bagian kanan halaman ini.. selamat membaca